Feb 29, 2024Media Round Up: Europe Sustainable Development Report 2023/24

On Jan 25, 2024, the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), in collaboration with SDSN Europe and the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), released the Europe Sustainable Development Report (ESDR) 2023/24: European Elections, Europe's Future and the Sustainable Development Goals.

Each year, the ESDR provides an independent quantitative assessment of the progress of the European Union, its Member States, and partner countries toward the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In light of the upcoming European Elections and UN Summit of the Future, this year’s edition identifies 10 priority actions for the incoming EU leadership to accelerate SDG implementation within Europe and internationally. In the context of a fragmented and multipolar world, the ESDR 2023/24 calls for decisive action by the EU to avoid dangerous environmental and social tipping points.

Read the Call to Action.

Read the Press Release.


We need to commit to a new European deal for the future - Euronews

A new SDSN Report to lay the foundation for a New European Deal for the future - Kongres Magazine

Decisive Actions Needed in the EU to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals by 2030: ESDR Report - The European Times

Europe struggling to meet 2030 sustainable development goals - EU News

Brussels Playbook Newsletter - Politico


Wissenschaftler und Zivilgesellschaft: Zehn entscheidende politische Maßnahmen gegen irreversible ökologische und soziale Wendepunkte -  Oekonews

"Kipp-Punkte" steigern Europas Handlungsbedarf -  AG Globale Verantwortung


Sustainable Development Goals unlikely to be achieved by 2030- EU Today

Beslissende acties nodig in de EU om de duurzame ontwikkelingsdoelstellingen tegen 2030 te bereiken: ESDR-rapport - The Belgium Times

Des actions décisives sont nécessaires au sein de l’UE pour atteindre les objectifs de développement durable d’ici 2030 : rapport ESDR - Almouwatin

Scientists, Civil Society Demand Ten Policies to Avert Environmental Crisis - Brussels Morning


Cyprus lacks behind in sustainable development - Philenews


A third of SDG targets will not be achieved by the EU by 2030 (SDSN) - AEF Info

Environnement et social : scientifiques et société civile plaident en faveur de 10 actions politiques décisives - Toute L'europe

Decisive actions needed in the EU to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030: ESDR report - The Paris Times

Des actions décisives sont nécessaires au sein de l’UE pour atteindre les objectifs de développement durable d’ici 2030 : rapport ESDR - Le Depute


Bonns OB unterzeichnet Aufruf für neuen europäischen Deal für die Zukunft - bonn.de

Beim derzeitigen Tempo werden ein Drittel der SDGs von der EU bis 2030 nicht erreicht - baumev.de


Europe sustainable development report: un terzo degli SDGs non sarà raggiunto - ANSA

Azioni decisive necessarie nell’UE per raggiungere gli obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibile entro il 2030: rapporto ESDR - La Fonte Libera

Obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibile, il trend fino al 2030: report dell'Asvis - Il Denaro

Ue e sostenibilità: clima, consumo responsabile e biodiversità tra le maggiori sfide - ASviS


Daleko smo od ciljeva održivog razvoja UN - bizlife.rs

Šta je ispunila do sada Srbija od 17 ciljeva održivog razvoja - Ekspres


Se necesitan acciones decisivas en la UE para alcanzar los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible para 2030: Informe ESDR - Europa Hoy

Decalogue to promote the SDGs in Europe - Diario Responsable


Decisive Actions Needed in the EU to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals by 2030: ESDR Report - The Geneva Times

United Kingdom

A Call for Action to leave no one behind in the sustainability transition - Open Access Government

UK Lags EU Nations in Sustainable Development Goals: Report -Edie.net


Des actions décisives sont nécessaires au sein de l’UE pour atteindre les objectifs de développement durable d’ici 2030 : rapport ESDR - africaintimes.com


We need to commit to a new European deal for the future - The Print AE

United States

European Union: Civil society should play a vital role in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals - OCLC

We need to commit to a new European deal for the future - West Observer